Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bowling Night

Anybody that knows me knows that I am so not a sports person.  I never have been.  I am incredibly uncoordinated so I bring nothing to a team and I simply just don't have patience for it.  But just like most people I enjoy some healthy competition every once in a while.  And my sport of choice (and yes in my eyes it is totally a sport) is BOWLING!  I absolutely love bowling!  I love the loud music, looking around at everybody and seeing nothing but smiles and hearing laughter, and I love the noise the ball and pins make when they are colliding into each other.  But, just like any other sport, I am absolutely horrible at bowling.  I have no idea what the right technique is or how to get the ball to roll where I want it.  I don't even think that I have ever scored over a 90.  So most of the time I end up embarrassing myself and coming in dead last, but it is so worth it.  
Naturally then, I was so excited when a group of us got together to go bowling this past weekend.  It was a complete blast.  We split up into teams of boys vs. girls and for some reason I totally thought I had developed skills over night and that we had a chance.  So not the case.  Luckily I had the best teammates in the world and they cheered me on every time.  Even when the ball went straight to the gutter.  Sorry girls.  Poor Brittany could have taken the guys all by herself, she was so good.  And Vanessa, well, her and I were pretty much on the same page :). And the guys... is there anything they're not good at?  So as you probably guessed, the girls lost.  But, we made them sweat... a little. 
Everybody showing off their bowling stances.  Vanessa is demonstrating my favorite technique.  The "Squat and Roll".  This move is incredibly simple but highly effective.  Her and I knocked down many pins using this classic stance.
As you can see, I love bowling.
The "Famous Footwear".
 The girls.  Vanessa loves the camera :).
The winners.


Denna said...

Love the blog! Great job! I think I'm finally back to the blogging world. Hopefully I'll have some new posts soon. Blogging makes you want to take more pictures...just to warn you! Good job!

vanessa said...

I like that picture of you laughing. :) great pics!!

Miss Jana said...

You are a better sport than me. I hate it and I am terrible. If I go, it is definitely for the company. Your new picture is super cute!

vanessa said...

twitter is like facebook but simpler and not AS creepy. Have you considered facebook? I only recommend it if you really want to keep in touch with anywhere from 50 up to 200+ people. Most of my family has facebook, so that's why I use it. Maren has twitter so why not?! :)

vanessa said...

P.s. I want to see your wedding pictures sometime!

Burrups said...

Looks like fun!! Cute pictures. I have no bowling skills either.