Sunday, November 22, 2009


This game is so addictive.  My mom bought this game for some good family fun, and I am obsessed with it.  Case in point...  Last night, Chris, my sister, and myself played this game for 4 hours straight!  On a Friday night people!  Lets just say it wasn't our proudest moment.  And to really top it off, just two days before that my brother, sister in law, Chris, and I, all played it for 3 hours in place of our weekly card games.  And lets be honest, I'm not even mentioning all the time I've spent alone playing this game (I know, that is embarrassing).  You would think with all those hours of play we would have beaten the game by now... so not the case.  We are only half way through.  So if you want a game that will make you laugh and cry (out of pure frustration) at the same time, play this game.  But beware!  It is extremely addictive and you lose all sense of time.  Don't say I didn't warn you.


Burrups said...

LOL! You are funny! I won't try it because I think I would be the same way. How fun to get together and have such a fun time!

Burrups said...

I want to see your kitty. She sounds so cute!